Sunday, May 24, 2020

New York s Jewish Museum - 1123 Words

Crowdsourced Documentation September 16, 2016, Take me (I’m Yours) took place at New York’s Jewish Museum, as its first ever exhibition made possible by the digital crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter. With a total $31,018 pledged, 340 backers helped forty-two international and intergenerational artists create 400,000+ artworks to be given away during this unconventional exhibition, visitors are encouraged to participate, touch, and even take the artworks on view home with them. Crowdfunding has become commonplace in the art world, but the Jewish Museum launched its first Kickstarter campaign for a number of reasons, of course, in order to fabricate the thousands upon thousands of artworks needed to keep the show fully-stocked throughout its run. Also, through Kickstarter platform, it creates a real Receive Me (I’m Yours) dynamic for reaching a real community around the museum, staging a online dialogue with its donors, eventually orchestrating a unique network in which participatory behaviours translate the collective online vision into physical space. Take me (I’m Yours) aims to create a democratic space for all visitors to take ownership of artworks, and curate their personal art collections, by subverting typical museum practices. Visitors constantly transform the landscape of the galleries, bit by bit, through direct engagement, eventually the exhibition will disappear entirely. (Museum, 2016a) â€Å"Take Me (I’m Yours)† is an â€Å"extremely radical exhibition that reallyShow MoreRelatedNew York s Jewish Museum1085 Words   |  5 Pagestook place at New York’s Jewish Museum, as its first ever exhibition made possible by digital crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter. With a total $31,018 pledged, 340 backers helped forty-two international and intergenerational artists create 400,000+ artworks to be given away during this unconventional exhibition, visitors are encouraged to participate, touch, and even take the artworks on view home with them. Crowdfunding has become commonplace in the art world, but the Jewish Museum launched itsRead MoreAre Asher Levs Paintings Disrespectful to His Parents?1598 Words   |  7 PagescenterbAre Asher s paintings of the Cruxifixion an ultimate act of disrespect towards his parents?/b/center br brAsher Lev paints against the values of his family and community. He disregards Jewish traditions and observance by pursuing his passion for art. His individuality has him disobeying the Rebbe, the mashphia, his mythic ancestor as well as his parents. Asher does not intend for his artwork to be harmful, but that they convey truths and feelings. 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Italy, under the rule of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, was one of the many countries who turned her back on the Jewish people. Because of political, social and economic reasons, Italy was a bystander to the heinous crimes inflicted on the Jewish population. Benito Mussolini took control of the Italian government in 1922, and ruled until 1943. Under Mussolini’s rule, democratic institutions were shut down. The shutdown of democraticRead MoreNew Media Art With Its Intrinsic Characteristics2882 Words   |  12 Pages Crowdsourced Documentation New media art with its intrinsic characteristics (instability and variability)[1] poses complex challenges in documentation, this observation is not new, and initiatives such as DOCAM[2] and Variable Media Network[3] have provided methods and tools to properly document media artworks. Nevertheless, the social phenomena of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, presents new challenges for established documentation methods and standards. This essay aims to address thisRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding1271 Words   |  6 Pagesfollowing in his father s footsteps and teaching English and philosophy to unruly boys at Bishop Wordsworth’s School, Golding abandoned his profession to join the Royal Navy and fight in World War II. Golding has said of the war, â€Å"I began to see what people were capable of doing. Anyone who moved through those years without understanding that man produces evil as a bee produces honey, must have been blind or wrong in the head† (â€Å"William Golding†). Written in the early 1950’s in Salisbury, England,Read MoreGenocide from the Jews in the Holocaust to the Mayans in Guatemala848 Words   |  4 Pagesexperiment begins with a student’s question about the Holocaust which Jones cannot answer. The Holocaust was a horrific event that occurred from 1933 to 1945. This atrocity was initiated by Adolf Hitler, who tortured and murdered over eleven million Jewish people in extermination camps. 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